Monday, August 08, 2005

The Silver Chair


Though The Magician's Nephew, the sixth-written episode in The Chronicles of Narnia, is really the book that “ties up” Narnia's loose ends, The Silver Chair has a bit of that feel to it, too. Coming sixth in the chronological sequence as it does, the book, in fact, sets the stage for The Last Battle. Principally, it makes the point that the future of Narnia does not just lie in making little tweaks here and there, in merely defeating the likes of Miraz and Rabadash. No, these villains are only dupes in the game of Deep Magic that's being played out between Aslan, Jadis and the likes of the Queen of the Underworld.

But The Silver Chair doesn't just bring the major themes of the series to a head. This book also connects and continues the story threads of Prince Caspian and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, connecting the imminent End Times of Narnia back to the beginning of the tale, through the Pevensies to Digory Kirke. The Silver Chair is a satisfying conclusion to the overall rising action of the series, working magnificently in its own right as well as preparing us for the Chronicles' coming climax.

Lewis here continues the roll he was on in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, offering much food for thought. This month, Kathy Bledsoe leverages her creativity upon our story synopsis, while Jenn and I offer up a collaborative look at how Lewis' craft pays off in the reader's identification with the story's heroes. Finally, George Rosok gives us a challenging analysis of the central spiritual symbol of the story: the Silver Chair itself.

Mind the details...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this book was quiet boring.
Using it for a Project.
there good for people intrested in fantasy i guess.
Not for people like me whos more interested in real stories and cartoonny sorteer stuff.

9/04/2007 4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for the article
I think SC is my favorite narnian book probably because I find Jill to be a relatable yet admirable heroine much like Aravis
I enjoy in depth analyisis of any narnian book :)

12/25/2010 9:50 PM  

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